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Fat Transfer In Essex County, New Jersey

Also Offering Fat Grafting for Morris & Union Counties

Do you ever wonder why your face looks thinner, more tired or simply older as time passes? You can do everything right and still have an aged appearance throughout the face. The problem is that as we age, fat cells in the face shrink, often causing our faces to look hollow, worn-out or older.

One effective solution to this problem is to undergo fat transfer treatment with Northern New Jersey plastic surgeon Dr. Erwin Bulan. Facial fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, uses your body’s own fat cells from one location to restore lost volume in another location; in this case, the face.

If you miss the round, full, cherub-like appearance that your face used to have, you may be a good candidate for facial fat transfer. Bulan Plastic Surgery is an experienced provider of fat transfer treatment, and we are ready to help you look years younger with this innovative, minimally invasive cosmetic procedure.

Fat Transfer vs. Injectable Fillers

Fat transfer treatment is similar to other cosmetic procedures involving injectable fillers in that it is designed to restore volume to the face. What is the main difference between fat grafting and injectable filler treatment? With fat transfer treatment, there is no risk of allergic reaction or rejection by the body because Dr. Bulan uses your own natural fat cells to enhance fullness. With filler treatment, Dr. Bulan uses synthetic substances that are considered temporary and will require repeat treatments in the future.

Facial Areas That Can Benefit From Fat TransferFat Transfer Treatment in Essex County

Although Dr. Bulan can treat almost any area of the body with fat transfer, he most commonly performs the procedure to treat the face. Typically, he uses fat transfer treatment to improve the look of hollows under the eyes, sunken cheeks or the sunken area beneath eyebrows or the jaw line, or to add volume to the lips. Dr. Bulan can also use fat transfer treatment to improve the look of scars, unwanted dimples or facial asymmetries.

What to Expect During Fat Transfer Treatment

Although fat transfer is considered a surgical procedure, it is minimally invasive. Dr. Bulan first numbs the donor site from which the fat will be removed with a local tumescent anesthetic. Tumescent fluid is comprised of saline (sterile saltwater), small amounts of lidocaine (local anesthesia) and epinephrine to prevent bleeding.

He then removes fat from the donor site (e.g., your waist) and processes it to maximize the amount of healthy fat cells and stem cells to improve the success of the fat transfer.

Dr. Bulan next uses a small syringe to insert the harvested, purified fat into the targeted area of the body, little by little. By gradually introducing the harvested fat cells, Dr. Bulan can create natural-looking results. Dr. Bulan can inject fat cells into deeper tissue layers to avoid visible lumps on the skin’s surface.

How Fat Transfer Treatment Works

Following fat transfer treatment, the treated area may be swollen or bruised, but these symptoms typically subside within one to two weeks after the procedure. You may experience mild discomfort that is usually described as soreness in the first week after treatment. Although the final aesthetic results may not be visible until three to six months after fat transfer, you can resume your social calendar about two to three weeks after fat transfer treatment.

How long the aesthetic effects of fat transfer last varies for each person, depending on individual factors such as your metabolism. In general, however, about 60 percent of the injected fat will remain in the treated area after three months.

That said, you can undergo fat transfer more than once. You can also undergo treatment with a different type of injectable filler after you have had fat transfer treatment. Fat grafting is also a great adjunct procedure to enhance the aesthetic results of facial rejuvenation cosmetic surgery procedures such as facelift.

How to Schedule Fat Transfer Treatment

The next step to restore fullness to your face is easy: pick up the phone. To schedule a consultation at our Northern New Jersey office and  find out if you are a suitable candidate for this revolutionary fat grafting treatment, contact us at Bulan Plastic Surgery by calling (973) 467-9744 today. Dr. Bulan will evaluate your unique physique and aesthetic goals and then recommend an appropriate treatment protocol to achieve your goals.

Face the fact: fat transfer can fulfill your desire for a fuller, fresh-looking face!