Do your extremely large breasts make you feel “top heavy”? Do they make running or other physical activities difficult? Do you suffer from back, shoulder or neck pain caused by your large breasts? Do you despise shopping for bras because the ones that will support your ample bosom are unattractive – or do not exist?
If any of this sounds familiar, you are not alone. At Bulan Plastic Surgery, we realize that although many women pursue breast augmentation surgery to enhance the size of their breasts, there are also many women who long for smaller breasts.
Because overly large breasts can be just as bothersome as extremely small breasts – if not more so – Northern New Jersey breast surgeon Dr. Erwin Bulan offers breast reduction surgery to patients throughout Essex, Union and Morris County. With breast reduction surgery, Dr. Bulan can remove excess breast tissue, fat and skin to give you breasts that fit more proportionately with your frame. He can help alleviate the self-consciousness and physical discomfort that often accompany having overly large breasts.
Why suffer from painfully large breasts one minute longer than you have to? Dr. Bulan is an expert in breast reduction surgery. He has helped numerous women feel better about themselves and their breasts with breast reduction surgery – and he is happy to do the same for you!
The size and shape of your breasts, as well as your desires regarding the outcome of breast reduction surgery, will influence what type of incision method Dr. Bulan recommends for your procedure.
However, in the most common approach to breast reduction surgery, Dr. Bulan makes three incisions on each breast: one that extends around the perimeter of the areola (the more darkly pigmented skin that surrounds the nipple); another that extends vertically from the bottom rim of the areola to the fold underneath the breast; and one that runs along the natural curvature of the breast.
Dr. Bulan then removes excess tissue, fat and skin from the breast before elevating the nipple and areola to a higher position. Meanwhile, he will also reduce the size of the areola, which is usually stretched or enlarged in large breasts. The surgeon next brings skin that was situated above the nipple down below the nipple to reshape the breast. Dr. Bulan may also opt to perform liposuction under the arm to improve the contour in that area.
Typically, Dr. Bulan can keep the nipple and areola attached to the underlying mass of breast tissue to maintain nipple sensation and allow you to breastfeed as needed. This cannot be guaranteed, however.
Breast reduction techniques may vary from patient to patient. For instance, the nipple and areola may need to be detached entirely in those with extremely large breasts. Other patients may be able to forgo the vertical incision that runs from areola to breast crease. Dr. Bulan will evaluate your specific situation during consultation and let you know which breast reduction technique he recommends.
Dr. Bulan usually performs breast reduction surgery as an outpatient procedure, so you will need an authorized adult to drop you off at and pick you up from surgery. You should also have someone stay with you the first night after the procedure. Before the day of surgery, Dr. Bulan will give you detailed instructions for pre- and post-operative care.
It is important to mention that with any surgery come inherent risks. Nonetheless, Dr. Bulan is a consummate professional and takes every safeguard possible to reduce the surgical risks. On your end, you can minimize the risk of complications by following all his instructions carefully both before and after surgery. This will also help give you the best results possible.
Enough is enough! If you are tired of the everyday discomfort that overly large breasts can cause and are ready to feel more comfortable while running, wearing cute blouses or just living in your own skin, contact Dr. Bulan by calling Bulan Plastic Surgery at (973) 467-9744 today.