CATEGORY ARCHIVES: Category: Plastic Surgery

why you need lots of sleep after plastic surgery

Getting quality, restful sleep is an important part of staying physically and mentally healthy. Rest is even more important after undergoing plastic surgery, as it plays a critical role in healing and achieving your desired aesthetic results. Read on as Dr. Erwin Bulan explains why. Continue reading →

top plastic surgery procedures according to asps

Last year, close to 2 million cosmetic surgical procedures were performed in the United States. This number is up from 2017, with body-shaping procedures in particular seeing an increase over the previous year, according to a report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).Continue reading →

taking advantage of the “off season” for plastic surgery

Pursuing cosmetic treatment to attain a fit, sexy “beach body” physique is a common goal. However, many people put off having treatment during the fall and winter seasons, promising themselves they will look into their options next year.

If you long for a more attractive physique, Dr. Erwin Bulan would like to encourage you to pursue your treatment goals sooner rather than later. In fact, the Northern New Jersey plastic surgeon believes you should start the process as soon as possible. Here’s why: Continue reading →

questions to ask yourself before having plastic surgery

The plastic surgery consultation is a good time to ask your surgeon questions about your desired procedure and what it entails. However, before you even set foot in a plastic surgeon’s office, you need to ask yourself some important questions. The best candidates do quite a bit of self-reflection to suss out their motivations, goals and qualifications for surgery.

In this post, Dr. Erwin Bulan reveals what you should ask yourself before having plastic surgery.

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getting the most out of a plastic surgeon’s before-and-after gallery

Before-and-after photo galleries are the most visited sections of a plastic surgeon’s website. These photos demonstrate what the surgeon is capable of; they also encourage prospective patients to start to think about their own results and what is possible.

Dr. Erwin Bulan, a trusted plastic surgeon in Northern New Jersey, encourages prospective patients to get the most out of before-and-after galleries by using the following tips: Continue reading →

three common liposuction myths debunked

As the most popular plastic surgery procedure of 2015, liposuction has as many myths surrounding it as it has proven benefits. While both men and women continue to enjoy the results they achieve from this body contouring procedure, many people still have misconceptions about it.Continue reading →